A great first stop when you are looking for recipes online. There are over 40 different collections of recipes, with many traditional categories, such as cakes, pasta, and main dishes, along side some more contemporary categories, including cooking low-carb or or low sugar. There’s also a great section of recipes for cooking with kids.
Recipes have reviews and ratings submitted by site visitors, so you can browse just among top ten favorites or even their hall of fame recipes.
And don’t miss their related recipes, which can show you similar dishes or suggest something to serve with a given dish.
Each recipe has nutrition info provided, and the site provides a handy way to convert recipes to the exact number of servings you’d like to make or from US measurements to metric, or vice versa.
Let’s face it, the goal here is to raise children who are self-sufficient and have a knack for delighting in serving others along the way. While they are young, they’ll help us with cooking tasks, but there comes a time in everyone’s life when it’s time to do it all by yourself. In our house, we started with 7 can chili. Open the cans, drain and rinse all but the chili beans and tomatoes and voila! Dinner was served with a proud grin. We moved on to wielding 9 inch chef’s knives to make fabulous salads.
These recipes were designed for solo flights.
This is the online site for Bon Appétit and Gourmet magazines, so this is a great site to check if you’re in the mood for something tasty and elegant. Be sure to check out their recipe collections, which include selections from Sheila Lukins (The Silver Palate Cookbook) and also dishes to make with just five ingredients.
Recipes are reviewed, and they all have the gorgeous photos associated with their respective magazines. If you really want to be inspired, check out their “slideshows” – pictorial previews of dishes.
Epicurious has a very nice advanced search option which allows you to search for recipes by keyword, ingredient, or even preparation method. And as you might expect from a site for cooking magazines, there’s a lot more here than recipes; you can read up on cooking techniques, find restaurant reviews, and find the right beverage to serve. Be sure to check out the excellent technique videos that show you exactly how to devein a shrimp or making a rolled omelet.