I have a high school senior and a sophomore at home. While they are beginning to grasp the reasons for distancing – the numbers, the projections, the potential, etc., they …

5 Tips to Calm the “Crazy Busy” of Back to School
“Crazy Busy” of Back to School Oh, we’re experiencing a special kind of crazy busy this year as the summer winds down. Our county fair is during Labor Day weekend. …

Loose End Day – Creating Time and Energy
Loose End Day Loose End Day consisted of finishing items that have been draining me of time and energy for a while, but that I put on hold in service …

3 Tips for A Chaos-Free Kid Weekend
Chaos-free kid weekend? Who are we kidding? First, we actually thrive on a bit of chaos. It keeps life interesting. And sometimes, chaotic weekends are unavoidable. The “must do” events …

A Sneak Peek at My New Book – Creating Time and Energy: A Foundational Workbook for Scattered Parents
This book has been a dream, festering in my head for about 11 years, coming to fruition as a teleclass in 2007, as numerous and varied talks to groups, and …