

I’m not really sure about all the techno ya ya that happens when I hit that magical button on my browser. Somehow, though, it makes the old, unneeded stuff go away and brings me the new, fresh stuff. Ta da!

RefreshI’ve been refreshing. My office, my house, my website, my career, my thoughts. There was (and still is) a lot of garbage in all of it. I recycled a stack of magazines yesterday. Some were never even cracked open. I moved them, more than a year ago, to my new office where I’ve tripped over them, moved them from this corner to that and have let them silently suck energy from me. They would whisper, “Aren’t you going to read me? Oprah has a lot of great gems to share and those nice people from Family Fun are filled with great ideas as well. And there have to be some great tips on living more green and healthy in the yoga mags… C’mon, stop and read us!”

Do you have talking stacks of stuff like this? Admit it. Laundry and extraneous projects have spoken to you, begging to be completed (or at least given a second glance!)

I took about 15 minutes to look at the covers, rip 3 articles out of the whole stack of O. I then allowed myself to keep the old WonderTime magazines that are now out of print. (They’re that good and they still make me think and smile.) The rest of them made it to the curb. Liberating.

I resisted posting the lovely periodicals on freecycle, asking friends if they wanted them and the like. Sometimes, you just have to choose and purge.

After making quite a few decisions that weren’t my finest, I’m consciously choosing who gets my energy and time. I’m choosing what will remain and what needs to GO in regards to relationships, attention, stuff, money, projects, ideas and events. While I realize that this will not be a series of decisions as easy as dumping Oprah in the blue bin, I’m keeping my eye on the end.

When I look back, whether it’s a day or years, I’d like to be proud of my actions. Living on purpose and thriving, rather than reacting and surviving.

I can already feel the energy in this “refresh.” More updates to come.

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