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Sunday Summit – Keeping Weekly “Chaos Creep” at Bay

Sunday Summit – What’s that?

Nope, but together you can keep it all together!

Chaos creep is that “I think my head may spin off my neck” feeling.  We have Family Summits every now and again to keep chaos creep from ruling the show. We use them for planning purposes and for basic teachable moments. They’re also great for times when we need to speak seriously about something (a transition, family news, an upcoming milestone like first time sleeping at a friend’s house). Since we moved from virtual school to traditional school, there’s a lot of transition in our September.  Schedules, mealtimes, eating options, activities… well, they all changed. On top of that, there’s a lot going on at Julz of Life. So, we started a Sunday Summit routine.

Many families do some kind of chart of their week to stay organized. This is what’s working for us, so I’ll share!

How It Works:

We chat for about 15 minutes over dinner (or doing the dishes) to discuss the upcoming week:

  • EVENTS: What are we doing (activities, events, parties, meetings, mom or dad out of town, etc.)?
  • NEEDS: What do we need to find or purchase (physical things like black shoes, snow boots, a compass for geometry, ingredients for a fake volcano, wine ;)…)?
  • PREPARATION: What needs to be prepped (gym suit or gear washed, dance dress ironed, music practiced, flyers picked up at printer…)?
  • MEALS: What food are we making this week (note the “we” there as we all contribute to this meal plan and grocery list so lunches can be packed, dinners made, etc.)?
  • CONTRIBUTIONS: What help can be contributed around the house (seasonal or timely contributions – like leaf raking or snow shoveling or doing someone else’s jobs when they’re sick) in addition to daily contributions?
  • PROJECTS: What projects are due this week that might need family support?


This gives us some time to check out our calendars (we each have at least one) and see what’s going on. Each of us then can make a plan to thrive through it. We will adjust the plan as needed on Tuesday night because we’re a dynamic group. Things are always in motion.

Sunday Summit Summary
Sunday Summit Blueprint (It’s nothing fancy… this is the back of JUNK MAIL!!)

I made a chart on the back of a piece of junk mail. Nothing fancy. Categories are adjustable and the tool is flexible if we find it doesn’t work. If you’d like to download a fancier version and just print a stack… here you go!

What do you do to keep “crazy” at bay?

Share with us at Julz of Life.

Julie Ford is a certified life coach, speaker, trainer, and author of Creating Time and Energy.  Individuals hire her to trade their “badges of busy” for intentionally full lives. Organizations hire her to attract, train, and retain our next generation of leaders, the Millennials.

Based on the foundation that when things are running smoothly at home, amazing things can happen at work, Julie uses one-on-one and group coaching to help her clients to define what matters most in their lives and to realize what is and isn’t working. Collaboratively, they move through a customized plan to implement habits that serve rather than sabotage their intentions. Her clients find more joy and less chaos in every stage of work and home one habit at a time.

Need a tip for reducing the “crazy busy” in YOUR life? ASK Julie!

Leave a question in the comments or just talk with her.

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